Thursday 27 January 2011


Hey hey hey.

The responsorial psalm is done, hence one raket down and one more to go for this week, which is the...

THANKSGIVING CONCERT, January 28 God I really want this to be over
On My Own (redux)
This Fathomless Love
+ backup on some songs

I have not finished the testimony that comes after On My Own. It was due to be submitted yesterday and until now I haven't finalized it. To be honest, I don't really like talking to the people I'm singing to, because I'm too concentrated on the singing part (read: perfectionist) that if I do anything else, my focus will be derailed (read: perfectionist, it has to be mentioned twice).

Oh, and I haven't practiced the On My Own redux. That will happen tomorrow. *facepalm*

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Had a follow-up facial yesterday. Both face and pocket were hurt badly. I seriously cannot wait for payday, which is this week (today or tomorrow, I suppose). My total spend is close to Php5K already, which I took from my New Mobile Phone Fund. *tears* I still have to come back next week. My meds I have to take until the week after next. The light at the end of the tunnel still cannot be seen.

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Cecile is busted. The shutter button broke. I don't know how it happened, but right now I have a point-and-shoot with a shutter button missing. That camera is nearing five years old already, and it's been used (I take pictures of pretty much everything). I hope I can have it fixed...I haven't heard of cameras with shutter buttons falling off like mine though.

I can't afford to buy a point-and-shoot now. *tears*

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Today is Teachers' Day, and the feast day of the Founder. We got archery demonstrations, massages and spas, yoga and kettle exercises, movie marathons, and free-flowing espresso. Good stuff. Too bad I'm not a teacher; but I'm happy with my espresso. XD

Tomorrow I'll be in Manila. =D =D =D =D =D That alone is enough to put a smile on my face.

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Two interesting reads about blogging: this is scary, and downright dirty. It makes you question the integrity of blogging and bloggers altogether. Like, how can you be so sure that this person who blogs about restaurants is doing it with no ulterior motive (i.e. money)? Or, how can you be sure that an anime blogger who posted a bad review on this series was sincere? And on this note I remember the climax of Ratatouille...

Blogging, after all, is an excellent way of advertising with the rise of the Internet and along with it, various social networking platforms. I just hope that the heart and soul of blogging will not be lost in the midst of this.

This is an espresso list, but still relevant. Though DW only has a small slice of the blogging pie, so I'm not really sure if the "extra moolah" part will be relevant for me.

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