Tuesday 11 January 2011

And just like that, it's Monday

Just when I thought it was going to be just like any manic Monday, the following things happened:

- It rained (and now it's sunny, but let's talk about the rain first). When I got to Sta. Rosa and saw that the ground was wet, it was...well...the least of my expectations. I brought an umbrella but it was buried in way too much junk stuff in my bag, so taking that out in a cramp tricycle would be impossible. So I used my grocery bag as a shield and walked in the rain.

- When I finally settled my stuff in the dorm, I started my walk to school. The rain had stopped by this time. I had to go down the stairs that led to the outdoor basketball court. Now, the steps of the stairs had a lot of ants, like the big-ass, tree-living type of ant (I forget what we call that kind in Filipino). I thought that it wouldn't do much difference it I stepped on them, so I did. But lo an behold, when I looked down, my boots and pants were swarming with ants. I tried swatting them with my badminton racket (which hurt, by the way), but they weren't fazed. I tried jumping up and down but that didn't do any good either. I tried running in place but they were still there. So, I panicked. Long story short, I got all the ants out of my blouse, pants, boots and socks (yeah had to freaking undress) after much whimpering and screaming.

- And now, I don't know what to do here.

So for 2011, Probinsiya = 1, JC = 0.

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When it rains here, you don't hear the sound of rain pounding on pavement. The sound of rainfall here is serene, almost as if it's not raining at all, and when you do hear the rain it's when it's raining buckets already.

The problem of that is, I don't really know how hard the rain is already unless I hear it. Of course, when it's morning all I need to do is come out of my dreary four-walled office, but at night it's much, much harder.

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