I asked around the intarwebs for a list of the Dragonball OSTs, and I was led to this forum. Then I saw this:
If eyes could bleed from nostalgia, mine did when I saw this album. OH MY FREAKING STARS, this was one of the first tapes bought for me (and I remember where - it's at Masagana Superstore along UN Avenue!), and I listened to it until the tape got jumbled up that I had to throw it away (or maybe...I kind of sort of threw away a good tape? I can't remember, but it's either or).
In exchange for ice buko from the school canteen, I was able to get someone to download me an mp3 copy of this album. When I was able to obtain it, I played it immediately, and once again I was attacked by a surge of nostalgia. More than ten years ago I knew the lyrics to every song (oh yeah I did!) but when I played it I was struggling. I still think the Age Of Wonder vocals weren't good, but the songs in this album are way better than the FUNi versions, I'm sure!
Of course I know now that the songs did not stay true to the Japanese version (like it's a whole different song altogether except for the melody and certain lyrics), but this album did really well when it was released, or so I heard. It was promoted well in the newspaper too, and it was released together with the showing of the two Coola movies. Haaay *sheds tear* an epic time for Dragonball fandom in the Philippines.
Anyway...yeah, I have this. It's a rare find and it's awesome. It's going to The Green Menace tonight.
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