Saturday 26 February 2011


I'm still under the weather. I have different outlets - I turn to music or reading, or I splurge myself with food (not too much though, but I tend to eat small-sized expensive bites when I'm depressed).

So, here's what went down.

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I went to Caffe Ti Amo and bought an affogato. Their espresso was really good. I'm interested to try other flavors of their gelato some other time. But then again...there's Red Mango and Qoola and Gelatissimo! Oh the temptation!

Anyway, their affogato holders are heart-shaped, which were really cute! (Also, congratulate me on my almost-clear face since my facials from hell! WOOHOOOOWWWW!) Their affogato costs Php98, which isn't a bad price.

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After that I went to Powerbooks to see if there were any interesting books I could read (or purchase, if I like any well enough). If there was a book that I'd get right away, it would be Catching Fire, but they only hadve The Hunger Games in trilogy box sets, and the only ones they sold by the book were Mockingjay and The Hunger Games. So...yeah.

I did find this here - an excerpt from The Warrior Of Light by Paulo Coelho (not to be mistaken with Final Fantasy's Warrior Of Light)

For those of you who are too tamad to click on the pic and read, here's what it says:
When the master sees that the Warrior is depressed, he says:

"You are not what you seem to be in these moments of sadness. you are better than that.

"Many have left - for reasons we will never understand - but you are still here. Why did God carry you off all those amazing people and leave you?

"By now, millions of people will have given up. They don't get angry, they don't weep, they don't do anything; they merely wait for time to pass. They have lost the ability to react.

"You, however, are sad. That proves that your soul is still alive."

I will get a copy of this book. /mental note

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In an hour or so I'll be off to Makati to meet up with Annie and Miko at McDo Greenbelt 1. We'll be taking advantage of the promo at Wako and sing our hearts out at karaoke. =D

There will be pictures, and probably videos too.

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A few days back I fixed a glitch in this blog that only enables comments for those who have Google Accounts/LJ/what-have-you; now I've enabled anonymous comments, which means you can comment without logging in to some account that you have.

That's it. Hopefully there will be more happy posts in the coming days.

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Before I forget...

Ehem. I just finished watching Unstoppable. Heehee.

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