Tuesday 8 February 2011


I took the entrance exam for graduate studies last Saturday. What else can I say? THERE WAS MATH.

I'm really no good with Math. The only reason why I got decent grades with Math and its related subjects like Calculus, Trigonometry and Statistics was because I studied like heck for those and doubled my efforts with listening to professors compared to other subjects. But once I'm not in a classroom setting and I'm on my own and a test like this comes up out of the blue I will crash land like a noob. I don't have raw talent for numbers, at all. It's pure skill. And if it's a skill, if you don't use it often, it rusts away to uselessness. The story of my life with math, right here.

But the part that came after that was a reading test, which was way well within my comfort zone. After that was an essay part, that if you aced it you will be exempted from taking the English subject/s. I'm pretty confident with my essay; if anything, I really made sure that I gave it everything I got cause I'd save at least Php3K if I'll be exempted from taking the English subject.

I'd have to wait for two weeks to be interviewed by the department, then another two weeks for the result. An interview does not equate to a passing score in the test - it's all part of the process, so I was told. Le sigh.

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I'm just saiyan. OMG bwahahahah I can't believe I used that.

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