Monday 25 April 2011

So yesterday was Easter


I Knew He Was Love
+ almost all songs, in backup

If I may quote Jesus Christ: "It is finished." *keyboard smash of happiness*

I finished uploading the play pictures and the behind-the-scene photos on FB, (the latter, to no surprise, exceed the number of pictures taken during the play). Didn't do much editing on them cause I'm feeling lazy. XD

It's my second time playing Mary Magdalene. However last year's attempt (during Good Friday) wasn't anywhere near the difficulty of yesterday's. During the first, the acting was separate from the singing. This year, I had to act while singing. Uhh. Yeah.

I'm aching on my left side now cause I forced myself to land hard on a wooden stage on all four runs of the play (no pain, no drama). My voice, surprisingly, isn't broke - and to think that I was a bad, bad girl yesterday for drinking copious amounts of iced Coke and Pepsi and stuffing myself with puto, pizza, barbecue and other goodies (I was honestly not expecting to be fed generously yesterday, so thank you to those who gave food =D Had to do some exercising before bedtime since I still felt full from the pizza I ate at 3PM).

Oh yeah, lest I forget: Pei Pa Koa, I'm a believer. XD

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To be honest, I was totally not expecting the reaction we got from the play/musical. The first time we ran through the whole play was during our last practice, which was Wednesday (or was it Thursday? Wow I can't even remember...). Usually the first run-through of a production would happen way before the play date, so it should be near perfect during the last practice (as in production level na ito).

But one thing I learned about doing stuff for church is this: everything will come together in ways that are simply unexplainable. Even the 10AM service, which was the worst of the four, was enjoyed by many! A bunch of people came to me and said that they loved my part; most of them went as far as saying that they cried during my scene, and I'm like "Wow, really?" and then I'll say "Sorry!" for making them cry and rebound with "Thank you po!" after.

But now that I think about it, this kind of unexplainable awesomeness has happened before; last time was during the Thanksgiving Concert. During that time, for my part especially, it only came together on the day of the concert itself, and yet the reaction of the crowd was the same as yesterday's - awesomeness.

I would be lying if I said that I never have any doubts when I get myself into these kind of presentations. I'm a firm believer of preparation, and I knew that we could have used a lot more of it. But when all was said and done, I've got to put these doubts aside and be assured that there is a God greater than my doubts and is the source of all awesomeness. And, with a simple act of faith comes mind-blowing surprises that blogging about it still won't do the event any justice.

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Tomorrow I go back to the bundoks. The Holy Week vacation is officially over. Le sigh.

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