
I have a decent stash of books here that I'm open to lend to people - particularly to friends who love to read. After all, books are meant to be read, not collected.

Here's a list of what I have (not an organized one though, will get to that once the list is completed), but before that, here's things you must know:
  1. If you wish to borrow any of these books, you can either leave a comment here or let me know on FB. You should tell me [a] who you are, [b] what book you want to borrow, and [c] where you want to meet. 
  2. You can only borrow the book/s for two weeks. After that, it must be returned.
  3. I can meet you in Makati (preferably in one of the Gloriettas or the Greenbelts). I can do Manila if it's near DLSU. If it's outside these places, you'll have to let me know, because I have zero knowledge of these places outside my Manila-Makati comfort zone and I cannot go there unless I'm given lead time.
  4. I can only lend to [a] friends or [b] acquaintances for now.
  5. Take care of the books, because the owner (me) does.
  6. Manga must be returned on the same day. Sorry, the ones I own are pretty hard to get - they were either obtained [a] through the Internet or [b] cannot be gotten anywhere else except from where I got them (LOL).

book list (incomplete; updated 06/20/12)
Haruki Murakami
Hard-boiled Wonderland and The End of The World
Kafka On The Shore
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
after dark
Norwegian Wood
South of the Border, West of the Sun
A Wild Sheep Chase

Neil Gaiman
Fragile Things
Smoke and Mirrors
American Gods
Anansi Boys

Arthur Golden
Memoirs of a Geisha

J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lord of The Rings (includes all 3 parts)
The Children of Hurin
The Hobbit*

Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Mists of Avalon
Lady of Avalon

Murasaki Shikibu
The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari)

Grace D. Chong
Solo Flight
What, Me Retire?

Nicholas Sparks
The Notebook

X/1999 (CLAMP)*
Volumes 2-10, 14, 17, 18

Saiunkoku Monogatari (Yukino Sai/Yuka Kairi)*
Volumes 1-4

Volume 1

Volume 36 (in Mandarin)

Rurouni Kenshin*
Volume 1 (in Mandarin)

Samantha Sotto
Before Ever After

John Le Carre
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

C. S. Lewis
The Great Divorce
A Grief Observed

Philippa Gregory
The Constant Princess
The Other Boleyn Girl

NIV Life Application Bible
NASB Study Bible
The Amplified Bible
The Message .//REMIX
The Maxwell Leadership Study Bible (NKJV)

Anne Rice
The Vampire Lestat
Queen of the Damned

Sally Gardner
The Red Necklace (audiobook also available - read by Tom Hiddleston)

Yann Martel
Life of Pi

William Boyd
Any Human Heart

Bram Stoker

Tim LaHaye
Spirit-Controlled Temperament


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! I'm just wondering where you usually buy your books. I also love reading but I can't seem to find any good book to read apart from those that social networking sites endorse.

    1. Hello! I usually buy them in the local bookstore (PB, FB, NBS). I usually go with [1] my gut feel, [2] the genre that I'm most comfortable with (speculative fiction, historical fiction), and [3] recommendations from friends. I find that spending some time in bookstore just browsing through books (without the intention of buying) really helpful.

      For the manga, I buy them online (Yesasia). I hope this helps. =D

  3. Hi again! Thanks for the advice! I also visit Fullybooked but not to the extent as you do. Hihi. I made a-not-professionally-done-review of a book I've read a few months ago. Hope you can check it. Here's the link:

    Thanks again for your reply! God Bless!
