Thursday 29 March 2012

You got to deal with it: The Obligatory Fangirling-about-The-Legend-of-Korra Post

Aang is dead. 

Since last week, I've been spazzing on the awesomeness called The Legend of Korra. Knowing my country, it will be a while before the series reaches our shores, so I took the liberty of seeing the first two episodes for myself.

 I regret nothing.

When I first saw the opening sequence, it literally gave me the chills. I cannot remember, for the life of me, if I was sobbing or laughing or resisting the urge to jump up and down and flail. It could be due to the nostalgia of finally seeing a new Avatar episode after years of not seeing any new material; or  seeing an older Avatar Aang breakdancing airbending like a's likely safe to say that it's a combination of all of the above.

And, since I mentioned older Avatar Aang, I found a closeup of him in the opening sequence:

From the moment I saw him upside down supported by ONE FINGER, I was freaking out. Like,  "HOMGGGG WHY DIDN'T ATLA HAVE MORE SCENES OF OLDER LIKEABAWSSS AANG?!" I'm also totally down with the beard.


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Out of all the minor characters thus far, Jinora's the first one I liked, and it was this part that made it official (her response to Tenzin saying, "You must promise me your teenage years won't be like this!"). From the moment she asked Katara about what happened to Zuko's mom, I had a feeling she's an interesting character, precisely because she asked one of, if not, the most compelling question in ATLA. In my head, I wish that she'll have awesome Sokka-like moments, but that's just me. XD

Meelo, on the other hand, is on the extreme end of the spectrum. Inasmuch as I'm inclined to think that he's got a few loose screws, the hyper-hyperactivity and the snowbending reminds me of Aang so much that I'm more than glad to let his shenanigans pass XD

Be the leaf! If this kid grows up to be a hottie like the grandfather, the fangirls will go wild. Someone out there should do some fanart.

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Whatever needs to be said about Korra has already been said in some shape of form on the Internet, so I won't bother raving. 

I will, however, say this: I honestly look forward to the day that she finally takes some cognizance of the Avatar State, or gains access to her past lives. In my head, I'm thinking how she'll react when she'll see Aang, and if she does, will Tenzin, Katara, and/or the kids be there? Will she contact her four immediate past lives the way Aang did during Sozin's comet? WILL SHE DO SOMETHING AS AWESOME AS AANG BENDING THE FOUR ELEMENTS AT THE SAME TIME LIKE IN SOZIN'S COMET?! 

I can speculate all I want, but the reality is that there won't be a new episode until next month. /sigh

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Been really busy lately - I have finals, three events (YE GADS) and more to come,  I'm sure. I'll just take everything in stride. 

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