Thursday 5 April 2012


April 1
3-in-1 instant coffee
Finals is done and out of the way,. The group I belonged to got a perfect score!  *hurraaaaaah* Our group is sort of notorious for not following directions and contradicting the professor (for the latter, I think I should say that I'm the one who publicly contradicts the professor most of the time XD), but for our final presentation we were commended for recommending strategies that were different from the leading brand. Huzzaaaaah!

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It's Holy Week again, and I've decided to use the downtime to write my book. I worked on a chapter that I started over a month ago (ye gads), and just when I thought I finished it, I realized I haven' I had to backtrack and add some details to it, until I saw the time and had to move on to another activity.

Like with the past Holy Weeks, I have to juggle rest with church work. It's a good thing that this Holy Week isn't as stressful. Last year was the Mary Magdalene thing. I'm happy to say that I have finally retired playing the harlot, and have moved on to other things. XD

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I have been reading. 

Yesterday, I finished Solo Flight, written by Ms. Grace and Francie Castaneda-Lacanilao, which I bought during the author event that I managed last December. This book was a very easy and enlightening read. I would recommend this to singles in their late 20s, 30s, 40s, even 50s. =) It's got an excellent perspective on the single life that's very well grounded on biblical principles. 

My copy (which is autographed, by the way =D) has highlights on some parts, and there were times that I wanted to put underlines on some parts that really resonated, but I didn't have a pen handy. The bottom line of this book is (for me), is that the single life is in no way a half-lived life. =D

Next in the pipeline is this book, which I bought at a very low price (P125!). I've never read a book that attacks this topic from a legalese/journalist perspective, and it's been a good read so far (and might I add, timely due to the Holy Week).

I like book bargains. I regret that I don't got to Booksale that often. I think I may sell some of my books (the ones that I'm not so crazy about) sometime this year, or probably give them away to someone who will take care of them.  And still on the subject of books, I still haven't made that master list of books that I've been intending to make. /sigh

One thing is for sure - I may start a book club with someone. =D I'm actually quite excited about the idea. I have no idea how a book club should be run, though. I'm doing some research on how one is formed and how a meeting is conducted, and how a book is selected to be the reading material for the month. Nevertheless, this is something I find very exciting and worth spending time on.

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I hope I get to write a lot in the days to come. And, by writing, this includes blog posts as well /sigh.


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