Was I expecting a ballad? Of course I was.
Was I expecting an English song? HOLY MOLEY GUACAMOLE NO. You could just imagine what my reaction was (in the office, to boot!) when I heard "I loved you the first time I saw you" - it took every ounce of dignity and professionalism for me not to freak out and say "HOHMYGODBBILOVEDYOUTOOTHEFIRSTTIMEIHEARDYOU" or something like that...hahahahahaha!
Okay, the song has its rough edges - the rs and the ls aren't as distinct in some parts, there are a few words that I couldn't understand at first (granted the accent). The song is, again, the template power ballad you'll expect Kangta to sing - complete with the piano intro and strings that drive said template power ballad into predictable positive results. The lyrics of the song are predictable, not poetic to say the least (in one word - commercial).
Having said the negatives, I CANNOT KEEP CALM WHEN I LISTEN TO THIS SONG. The way he sings the song sans accent, r-l differentiation fail and fool-proof song formula is fan-freaking-tastic that I can't find the words to express it. The dynamics, the vocals, ohhh myyy starrrrsss. The"design" and the "cannot" parts in the chorus are just...beyond!
And this, people who read this blog, is exactly why Ahn Chil Hyun-sama (ORZ ORZ ORZ) is one of my muses. It's not just random one-volume singing, it's about knowing when to be p, to be pp, or to be ff or f, or to do the < or > (hahahahahahaha!). I'm rambling, but if there's anything that's just as important as proper breathing and placing of vocal cords, it's dyna-freaking-mics.
I'm so tempted to do a meme that says something like this:
EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT SINGINGIt's not really the whole truth, but ye gads, listening to how he sings and applying the same principles makes so much difference, you have no idea. Secret: When I have to sing a song, especially when I'm singing it for the first time, the first thought that will always come to my mind is WWKD - What Would Kangta Do? By the way, this includes church songs. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
or something like that...
In the words of Austin Kleon, you steal like an artist.
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