Monday, 28 February 2011

Our typical (but actually not-so typical) karaoke gimik

Hey you! This is my lips-pouted-finger-pointed look (which looks stupid, heehee), and I posted this cause I want you to look at this entry. Here, I'll be talking about something fun:


OL gimiks are always epic (for all of you first-time readers of my blog posts, OL is office lady, a term used in Japan for the working female. Its masculine counterpart is salary man. Now you know.) regardless if it's food tripping, mall hopping, bookstore raiding or movie watching. For our first OL gimik this year, we decided to sate our craving for karaoke. We've been wanting to do this since December, but Wako had different hours during the holidays, so we weren't able to go. Finally, we were able to go out last Saturday - with great timing too, cause they had this Valentine's promo going on. We paid nearly half of their usual rate (not bad, diba?).

As the title says, our karaoke gimiks aren't typical. Kung kami-kaming magbabarkada na ISJ (at former ISJ na katulad ko) ang magka-karaoke, hindi uubra ang Red Box sa amin. We'd rather watch a movie or use the money to eat in some restaurant we haven't tried. We will be happy with Music 21, but happier with Wako - which was where we went. Except for maybe Bohemian Rhapsody (hahaha!) almost all of our song choices are Japanese. At Red Box they'll only have the popular old school Utada songs (and probably Voltes V No Uta), and we don't want that. We want a wide and deep selection of J-pop, J-rock and anime opening and ending theme songs. Music 21 and (most especially) Wako have these - and more (don't get me started with their K-pop selection, although Wako mostly has early 2000s K-pop, they've got a broader selection than M21).

First big difference with our karaoke gimik is obvious enough - our song selections are Japanese. Wako is obviously a Japanese karaoke place (being in Arnaiz Ave, which has a bajillion Japanese restaurants, clubs and then some), so when you choose a song, the lyrics will appear in Japanese. When you sing an English song here, the English lyrics will appear, but there will be katakana above the English words.

I only finished three units of Japanese during my time in DLSU, so my knowledge of Nihongo isn't as good. But I know my katakana and hiragana, which really helps when I forget some of the lyrics. =D (But based from last Saturday's gimik I know I'm getting rusty...tagal ng recognition ko. I guess I'll have to read more manga ulit.)

Second major difference with our "typical" karaoke gimik is how we find the songs. In Wako, they have three or four song books - a list by artist, by song (both in Japanese), a separate book for the anime, K-pop and English selections, and a smaller book for...I don't know what it is, they're not really new acquisitions, but they're separate for some reason. When we look for artists or songs, we throw the "ABCDEFG..." out the window and think in terms of gojuon, which is "AIUEO" and "KSTNHMYRW".  It's kind of tough adjusting to this, especially if it's not something you do on a regular basis. So whenever I find a song I want to sing, I'll feel really happy when I'm able to do it on my own.

Our karaoke gimiks are crazy. If you saw the videos I uploaded, it could get worse than that =D. But probably the best thing about our karaoke gimiks is that we could sing our hearts out to the songs we really want to sing without being ridiculed for it (you know, the typical "ano ba yan, naiintindihan mo ba ang kinakanta mo?" or "bakit hindi Ingles ang kantahin mo?"). Before those kind of comments really hurt me, cause people thought I was weird and I didn't quite fit in with "regular" girls who played with Barbies and Polly Pockets. Now, when people wonder aloud why I do these things (in a negative way), I don't really pay attention anymore. Fact is, I'm happy with what I'm doing, I'm not hurting anyone, and this kind of singing earned me some moolah when I needed to buy Kangta's second album (at once again, maraming salamat NKK. Kahit basag na yung CD ko na yun dahil nasobrahan sa kakapakinig, I'm forever grateful XD).

If this post didn't bring any newfound appreciation for J-pop/J-rock/Japanese karaoke or whatnot, I hope you were entertained at the very least. XD

Saturday, 26 February 2011


I'm still under the weather. I have different outlets - I turn to music or reading, or I splurge myself with food (not too much though, but I tend to eat small-sized expensive bites when I'm depressed).

So, here's what went down.

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I went to Caffe Ti Amo and bought an affogato. Their espresso was really good. I'm interested to try other flavors of their gelato some other time. But then again...there's Red Mango and Qoola and Gelatissimo! Oh the temptation!

Anyway, their affogato holders are heart-shaped, which were really cute! (Also, congratulate me on my almost-clear face since my facials from hell! WOOHOOOOWWWW!) Their affogato costs Php98, which isn't a bad price.

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After that I went to Powerbooks to see if there were any interesting books I could read (or purchase, if I like any well enough). If there was a book that I'd get right away, it would be Catching Fire, but they only hadve The Hunger Games in trilogy box sets, and the only ones they sold by the book were Mockingjay and The Hunger Games. So...yeah.

I did find this here - an excerpt from The Warrior Of Light by Paulo Coelho (not to be mistaken with Final Fantasy's Warrior Of Light)

For those of you who are too tamad to click on the pic and read, here's what it says:
When the master sees that the Warrior is depressed, he says:

"You are not what you seem to be in these moments of sadness. you are better than that.

"Many have left - for reasons we will never understand - but you are still here. Why did God carry you off all those amazing people and leave you?

"By now, millions of people will have given up. They don't get angry, they don't weep, they don't do anything; they merely wait for time to pass. They have lost the ability to react.

"You, however, are sad. That proves that your soul is still alive."

I will get a copy of this book. /mental note

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In an hour or so I'll be off to Makati to meet up with Annie and Miko at McDo Greenbelt 1. We'll be taking advantage of the promo at Wako and sing our hearts out at karaoke. =D

There will be pictures, and probably videos too.

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A few days back I fixed a glitch in this blog that only enables comments for those who have Google Accounts/LJ/what-have-you; now I've enabled anonymous comments, which means you can comment without logging in to some account that you have.

That's it. Hopefully there will be more happy posts in the coming days.

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Before I forget...

Ehem. I just finished watching Unstoppable. Heehee.

Thursday, 24 February 2011


I dare not elaborate why. God created some to be dense, I guess. =/

I'll focus on the good stuff.

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As per memo #47 of DepEd, we are enjoined (which is a better-sounding term for required) to hang EDSA-related banners, tarpaulins, yellow buntings or flags in conspicuous places of the school. We decided to go grassroots and tied yellow ribbons on some of the trees in school. I purchased all of the yellow ribbons in National Bookstore at Paseo de Sta. Rosa yesterday. They only had two 45m rolls - for the sheer amount of trees we have here that wasn't enough. Had the DepEd memo been released earlier, we would have had time to deck more ribbons in school, and probably drape a yellow cloth somewhere in one (or both) buildings. So, given the time constraint, this is good enough, I guess. =P

People Power is no longer an event exclusive to this country. Other countries have been successful in their own "bloodless" revolutions. For this country though, I always wonder if the nationalism that EDSA has sparked in every Filipino is real...wait, that didn't come out right. Let's try this again: I always wonder if the brand of nationalism we now have began in EDSA and also ended in EDSA, cause the more I think about our sense of nationalism, the more I realize that Filipinos don't really have a firm or real sense of it. As a Pinay who has lived in this country for my entire life, I feel that my sense of nationalism is just skin-deep, and only penetrates further than that when I feel threatened.

Sure, we wear shirts that sport the Philippine Islands on it, or Ninoy/Cory what-have-yous, but these are but fads. When the fad has come and gone, and these t-shirts become basahan or what-have-you, or if Pacquiao is defeated or retired, what icon can we look to that defines our brand of nationalism? Yes, we speak out when our race is lambasted by some personality, but is this something that we do out of pride for our race and nation, or just pride for ourselves? I always wrestle with these questions, and I think I will not find concrete, lasting answers to these for a long time. Maybe time will bring the answer. A hundred plus years for a country is still young, after all.

I honestly think that Filipinos who live outside the country have a deeper sense of nationalism than those who are living here. I kind of envy those people - those who aren't ashamed to wear a Three Stars and a Sun Shirt in another country, or jackets that sport the Philippine flag. I honestly can't see myself wearing something nationalistic, except na lang if it's Team Manila merchandise. Everytime I see a shirt with Rizal on it I always find my wallet empty. Haaaay. One day, Team Manila Rizal shirt. One day.

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When I'm depressed in the bundoks, I try to find ways to divert myself from what I'm feeling. So this morning, I cooked breakfast. :p

Everything I needed to know about cooking omelettes I learned from playing Cooking Mama on The Green Menace (for those of you who don't know my gadgets, that's my iPod touch). XD

I had a salmon omelette for breakfast today. The salmon I had cooked on Monday, and since it's the last working day of the week, I usually dispose of my leftovers this way. This would have been perfect if I had cheese...

I love dark chocolate. I love Swiss Miss's Dark Chocolate Sensation. I love dark chocolate. Sana may makakuha ng hint diyan.

These two coupled with a good book, the cool February bundoks breeze and the song of nearby birds made a happy enough breakfast this morning. It's good to be thankful for quaint things like these.

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Thank God the week is done, I feel like a zombie gone back to life, back back to life.

Yeah men. /end Usher mode

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

This ship is ready to sail

NEW BLOG!!!!!!! *keyboard smash of happiness*

I've transferred most of the entries made this year from the old place to this new place. The layout ain't half bad too - I wanted to make my own (since my first blog was from Blogger and I did make my own Blogger layouts back then), but when I saw the developer FAQs I chickened out. So I tinkered with the Template thingamajig and got this.

That header you see there that looks like it was drawn by a kid? I did that. *is proud* I'm good with stick figures and basic stuff like that. Tee hee.

And, regarding the new blog, that's all I have to say.

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It's been a while since I posted pictures. So, I will.

Had Nutella for breakfast. Oh yes bagets. I don't care if I get allergies or what, Nutella is Nutella, and my stomach deserves it.

I saw Giada de Laurentiis make something out of Nutella in Everyday Italian but I completely forgot what it was. I was entranced by the sight of Nutella, that I didn't even thought of remembering the recipe.  Having said that, Nutella on bread is one of the best simple joys of this world.

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I cut my hair last Saturday; that I failed to mention in the last entry. I still cannot comprehend my recent fixation for short hair. I still like having long hair, but since my hair is less than shoulder length, it will be a long time before it grows back.

So until then, I have to rock this look. XD

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It's time to bring out the dreaded raket pipeline (yes, it is still alive and kicking!)

At The Cross

THANKSGIVING MASS (aka the last mass of the academic year), March 23
Saving Grace

I Knew He Was Love
+ almost all songs, in backup

I removed the soiree first, because there is no definite date yet.

If I can turn your attention to the first two dates - yes, you read those songs right! In a Catholic mass! I'm actually excited for those two dates, because for the first time I don't have to learn the song, which in itself is already pressure-ridden cause I usually get the song days before the mass. But more importantly, I got to choose the songs. *snickerfit* When I was asked to sing for Ash Wednesday, I said yes and asked if I can do a song that's more contemporary. I presented a list of songs, including At The Cross, and it was chosen. =P And from the list of songs I gave, Saving Grace was also chosen, since I said it was more of a youth song, and since most of the attendees were kids, it was an "accessible" song (if you may). I was asked to sing that on the last mass of the schoolyear.

I'm so excited for this. I don't really mind if it's a Catholic mass that I'm singing at; just as long as the song is for God and is sung to bring people closer to God in worship, then that's all that matters! And if people will complain about the song choice (OMG I hope walang umalma, ang ganda-ganda kaya ng mga kanta!) I can just say it was pre-approved!

Practice for Easter has begun, and since it falls on a Wednesday, I have not attended a single practice yet. But I know my solo, I've sung that on Good Friday last year. It's the backup parts that I have to take into memory.

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I go home tomorrow! =D =D =D Thank God for EDSA and schools not having classes on EDSA.



The past weekend, aside from the usual things I do when they come I indulged myself in watching lots of TV /slothmode

Did a marathon of Meitantei Conan, no thanks to the influence of babiest brother, which I rather enjoy doing. I find myself wondering why does it seem like time has stopped in Beika City, that no one has seemed to age ever since Shinichi became small. What's even weirder is that time does pass in Beika City - they have all four seasons - the leaves turn from green to brown and shed, then snow falls and covers the trees which leads to new growth in spring, and we don't even get an episode wherein Ran graduates from high school, or Conan growing an inch or two. Or maybe I'm overthinking this series already. Haaay.

I was also finally able to watch Black Swan yesterday. What else can I say but HNNNNNGGG Natalie Portman, HNNNNNNGGGG. XD They were right in saying that it was disturbing, and definitely not for those who dislike sad endings. The parental units had a unified dislike for it; they did not understand the yuri part of it too (LOL, duh). I'd watch it again, but the skin peeling really freaked me out. So, yeah.

After that, I watched Tangled. OMG YES. Mandy Moore was amazing, it was the best stuff I've heard from her since Can We Still be Friends. I didn't know it was Mandy Moore until I heard Rapunzel sing (and I was like ZOMG I know that voice, it's Mandy Moore or it's Mandy Moore...), and when I posted it on FB someone was like "oh you didn't know" and I'm like...whatevs, I figured it out without Wikipedia or watching the features about it. I got super hearing. XD

That's about it, my boring weekend.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Sickity sick

Was vomiting a great deal yesterday, the first one occurred while I was on my way to a school to give a talk. When I passed by Enchanted Kingdom (it was near the school), I told the driver that I needed to vomit fast. So, there went half of my lunch.

I mustered enough strength to do the talk even after that happened (strangely enough I felt better after vomiting, weird). But when I got back to the office I went to the clinic. After an hour or so I vomited everything I ate - lunch till breakfast. It was, ugh, horrible.

Since I was in no shape to work, I decided to go home and recuperate where I feel comfortable. Thing is, I think I can survive in the dorm, but I don't have soft food like oats and the right meds to make it bearable.

I told my boss personally that I'll be taking a leave because of what I was feeling, and I told him that I already vomited on the way to a talk. He admonished me at once, telling me that I shouldn't have done that. Of course, I told him that I was doing it for the school, but he said that it was too much. Eep. XD

I'm okay now. Last time I vomited was last night, which was dinner. XDD I think I'm ready to go back to Laguna tomorrow; I'll just have to bring two Gatorade bottles and make sure I rehydrate myself.

I was thinking of doing some work while at home...but I got lazy. XDDD

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Guess who's got Nick Carter's second solo album? *big grin*

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

I have been silent for a while

But that's about to change. Cecile is back with a new body (scratch and dent free!) which means I can take pictures again.

I've been busy with work and MA and other stuff, which aren't really worth blogging about anyways, which was why this has gone update-less for some time.

Anyone who says that today is overrated is just bitter/jealous. Everyday is Valentines if you've got loved ones, I say. As for me, I'll exert all my energies in playing badminton today, and I'm going to work it. XD

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Blast from the past

I don't know what led me to this. Probably all of it was a sudden whim; maybe a desire long unfulfilled that has finally resurfaced? Gosh, whatever it was it just came, and suddenly I was found wanting.

I asked around the intarwebs for a list of the Dragonball OSTs, and I was led to this forum. Then I saw this:

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


I took the entrance exam for graduate studies last Saturday. What else can I say? THERE WAS MATH.

I'm really no good with Math. The only reason why I got decent grades with Math and its related subjects like Calculus, Trigonometry and Statistics was because I studied like heck for those and doubled my efforts with listening to professors compared to other subjects. But once I'm not in a classroom setting and I'm on my own and a test like this comes up out of the blue I will crash land like a noob. I don't have raw talent for numbers, at all. It's pure skill. And if it's a skill, if you don't use it often, it rusts away to uselessness. The story of my life with math, right here.

But the part that came after that was a reading test, which was way well within my comfort zone. After that was an essay part, that if you aced it you will be exempted from taking the English subject/s. I'm pretty confident with my essay; if anything, I really made sure that I gave it everything I got cause I'd save at least Php3K if I'll be exempted from taking the English subject.

I'd have to wait for two weeks to be interviewed by the department, then another two weeks for the result. An interview does not equate to a passing score in the test - it's all part of the process, so I was told. Le sigh.

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I'm just saiyan. OMG bwahahahah I can't believe I used that.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Look who's back home today

Hey hey hey. Tomorrow is BiƱan Day, and you know what happens when a city celebrates the anniversary of its cityhood --- WALANG PASOK!

Which is why I'm now in Manila, enjoying cool-enough weather and great lutong bahay. I intend to sleep a lot tonight and wake up late in the morning, work on getting a clean slate for my MA application requirements, answer emails of the non-work kind, watch Love Actually (an assignment from the Brother, go figure), and be a sloth for the rest of the day.

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This morning I woke up early to prepare for a trip to Pila in Laguna. As I emerged from my room the first thing I noticed was the breaking dawn, next was the presence of the Moon and Venus. It was beautiful, and the astronomer in me was geeking out. But hunger came first. XD

I wish I had taken a picture of it, but Cecile is busted still...

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I finished The Hunger Games today. I read it while the car I was riding plowed through Makiling Forest at breakneck speed. (Sometimes at night I thank God that I'm still alive, even if the driver goes at 120 at such narrow roads and even has the guts to overtake. I think I should thank Him more XD) Now I wish I had money to buy Catching Fire. But I don't. I cry I cry.

I wish that Peeta was more developed as a character, like the kind of development that Katniss got. It seemed that he was just thrust into the story and you don't really get if he's a major character until the Games begin. Until that time, I thought Gale was the leading man.

Having said that, Catching Fire, please. =(

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I've been writing a few haiku pieces lately (both 5-7-5 and 7-5-7). Am I on a roll?