Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The iris, it thrives in the rain

For someone who's not working, I'm kind of sort of very very very busy right now.

I'm just saiyan saying. (LOL sorry I can't help but make the reference.)

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Here's what I've been up to:

I did a rewatch of Rurouni Kenshin Tsuiokuhen. Why did I do that? I don't know. Maybe it had something to do with the 15th Anniversary...but I decided to indulge myself.

What happened? Oh, well, pretty much the same reaction when I watched it for the first time. I CRIED. Being a hardcore Kenshin x Tomoe shipper (never was for KxK, though I admit that the nighttime-fireflies scene struck a heartstring or two...), this OVA was basically my most anticipated part of the RK series, until it was doused in cold water when it became evident that the Jinchuu arc won't be animated (but the reanimation solves that problem, oh sweet rapture!).

Another thing that I love about this OVA is the blood. I remember when I first watched this, I was going "OHMAAAHGAAAHHHHDDDD" at the bloodwork that was happening. It's quite on the extreme side, but then again that plus the animation (including character redesigns) looked very realistic. I'm not sure if the key to fully appreciating this OVA is a good background on the anime series...but if you were to ask me it would be best if the non-RK fan will watch a major fight in the anime prior to watching the OVA so he'll be able to see (and appreciate) how striking the difference is with the rurouni and the hitokiri. Just my two cents.

Also, they symbolism. OMG THE SYMBOLISM. The top, the differing tastes of sake, dead bleeding Kiyosato with a buddha at the background...and more...when I first watched this I couldn't understand a lot of these things; though now I understand most of them  I sometimes feel that I'm still scratching the surface...

Okay enough about the serious stuff! The reason why I cry everytime I watch this is because of this scene:


The waterworks doesn't end there...


But it all ends pretty smoothly, if you ask me...and with some subtleness, if I might add XD

This is like...one of my favorite scenes in the OVA. The sheath caressing...GAHD. *wibble* then the hilt comes next *wibblewibble* was just...ARRGHH! Yes people, incoherence is bliss. XD Okay, if I have to put it into words it's pretty much like the scene where Kenshin mourns for Tomoe, only it's done through the katana.

And on a totally off-topic note, I suddenly remembered that I made a SaiMono fic wherein Seien died and he was resurrected by Sa Enjun cause he like borrowed some powers or something (I forgot the premise) and the zombie!Seien haunts the palace until Shuuei and Kouyuu and Ryuuki found him and the corpse suddenly disintegrates which makes Ryuuki go mad...ye gads my imaginarium. I need to finish that fic somehow...

So, here I finish one of those posts wherein I make perfect sense or I'm perfectly senseless. XDDDD

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