Monday 22 August 2011


I should really work on regularly updating this.

Been really busy with everything, basically (haha, that's a nice way to put it). It's finals week in school, plus I'm getting one task after the other in the new job. I'm okay, so far...I just have less bulakbol time (le sigh).

Anyway, onward to the updates!

Had a photoshoot at the SDA Building of DLS-CSB. It was my second time coming here, and shooting there was...well...quite a pleasing experience. There was a lot of natural light, lots of angles, lots of interesting things. The photos will be used for mock-ups for one of my finals.

I realize that there are still a lot of things that I need to learn about using light effectively, among other things. Everything I know in photography I've learned by observing how people do it; I was only "formally" trained once.

Speaking of finals, I also took my final exam for Stat last Friday. I was the first one to submit (aside from finishing, I was getting really restless, plus my right shoulder hurt so bad that I couldn't continue), and I was told that I passed (which is great, cause you can only either pass or fail). All that sisig-na-ang-utak-ko moments were worth it.

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I was sort of out of the loop this weekend, so you could just imagine my shock when I learned that the new RuroKen anime will only have the Kyoto arc animated, so far. So much for all they hype and the beautiful Newtype spreads (specifically Kenshin/Tomoe, which was the biggest hint the Internet got so far that the Jinchuu arc will be animated). The picture above isn't even enticing me one bit, but I'm going to give Aniplex/Studio DEEN the benefit of the doubt and treat this as a draft, for now.

The only way I could make sense of all the Jinchuu arc hype prior to the above screen grab being published is that the "new" Kyoto arc will serve as the foundation for the animation and, eventually, the showing of the Jinchuu arc. The Kyoto arc is is the pivotal arc of RuroKen, IMO, in the sense that this is the arc wherein Kenshin doesn't have to go all Battousai and stuff to defeat Shishio (prior to that he always had to); aside from that, Jinchuu is the next arc after Kyoto.

Having said my speculations, I cannot deny that I am so disappointed with this announcement. So much for all the "OHMAYGASSSHHHEEEEPIIIIIC" reactions when the Kenshin-Tomoe Newtype spread came up. Whoop dee doo.

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Other things: I have neon green nails, I'm working on character looks for Unforgiven using DreamSelfy (hahaha!) and I may be going to a celebration dinner this Sunday...

I'm crossing my fingers that this won't be the only post that I make this week.

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