Thursday, 24 March 2011

Gadgets, games and Goku/Gohan/Goten

I'm not feeling too good about myself this week. I feel like I'm walking in the desert and God is hovering a huge magnifying glass on top of me...yeah, that's a fun way to put it. Tapos while that's happening you put Desert Song in the background. Ayoowwwwsssss.

In spite of all the drama, I will focus on the good things. There's a lot to be thankful and to be happy for, despite this awfully depressing week.

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One thing that made me happy this week is the acquisition of a spanking new gadget. Lady Murasaki had to be retired after two years of service, and I think somebody out there deserves her now (yes, I'm selling her, but I'll tackle that on a future post).

So, people of the universe reading this blog, meet Dylan, my new Samsung Wave II.

Okay, I name all my gadgets, and when I give a name there's a meaning/reason to it. For example, my Nikon D5000 is Oberon because I thought a big, bulky camera that captures stunning photos should be named after something whimsical yet masculine, and the King of Fairies in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream fit the mold perfectly. My Sony Cybershot DSC-W35 is Cecile, after (yes you guessed it) Cecil Harvey - primarily because it's silver and lightweight. My hard drive is named Theodor (yes, after Theodor Harvey! I've got bromance brewing!) because it's silver and bulky, plus I usually transfer stuff from Cecile into Theodor (thus strengthening the bromance!), before Oberon's time.

Anyway, I digress - after much internal debate and selection of names, I decided on naming the phone Dylan. If you know your Welsh mythology, Dylan is a god associated with the sea (I think his name in Welsh means great tide or something); he was also called the son of the wave. Deliberate naming is deliberate. =D

And as if that's not enough, his first wallpaper is Squall Leonhart. See the connection? Gosh, I'm a geek this way. *facepalm*

The Samsung Wave II was released just last month. When I first saw this in the store I immediately included it in my wish list (along the tier of "good to have but not enough cash", haha!). But lo and behold, I chanced upon a store that had this on sale - with warranty! I still didn't have enough money to pay it in full (hence I had to resort to a little mendicancy), but I was able to pay for way more than half of the selling price.

Needless to say, I'm happy with the purchase. =D All I have to do is to get a decent lawit for it (probably blue), get a screen guard and a jelly case if it finally comes out (it's that new that the stores don't have both yet).

Best feature of this phone so far is THE SCREEN. IT IS SAMSUNGAWESOME.*drool*

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I've been playing Duodecim for two weeks now, and I have a few things to say:

  1. Favorite new character - KAIN HIGHWIND. Especially if he's in EX Mode. OH YES. When he's in EX Mode I just stare at him and wonder why couldn't he stay in EX Mode forever...
  2. Why did Square Enix decide to repeat the ENTIRE Destiny Odyssey for all 10 original characters?! Yes I know there's Assist now as well as new summons, plus a spanking new world map, but WHY DO WE HAVE TO DO THE WHOLE THING AGAIN? I finished Dissidia at least three times (I didn't find any good games to play in the PSP, okay?!), so having to do it again in Duodecim is a piece of cake anticlimactic. I want new storylines and new character action, but I know that won't come until I finished all 10 characters...AGAIN.
  3. Favorite shadow mode thus far is Tidus (you know the reason why), next is Golbeza (you know the reason why too). I'm very happy with the Cecil and Squall shadow forms too. Frioniel's shadow form freaked me out in a funny way. Garland in shadow form looks like Greed in Hagaren. That freaked me out in a not-so-funny way. Cloud's shoes in shadow form are funny. 
  4. Most disturbing thing I've noticed in this game: Tifa's boobs still bounce even when she isn't moving. Case in point - her victory pose. I'm a girl, don't give me grief about staring at pixellized boobs waiting for something to happen. And anyway, even before Duodecim, her jellies already had a mind of their own. Wahahahahahaha!
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The most epic thing happened today. I got the entire Dragonball franchise in Theodor. If this doesn't make sense let me make it clear to you:

Dragonball. Dragonball Z. Dragonball (NOT CANON!) GT. Movies. Specials. 


I seriously don't know what to watch first. I think I'll watch the Dragonball Z movies first just to warm up, then start from the very beginning and work my way to the very end. This will take months, I imagine...but I'm not complaining! Mwahahahahahahahaha!

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