Friday 25 March 2011

Consider the lilies

I've been wondering a lot lately...wondering about my current depressed state, wondering what I should do right now, wondering what I should do for the next week, or the next month...

Wondering if I'm doing what is right, or if I have been fooling myself all this time...

Wondering if I should be where I am right now, or if I should be somewhere else...

Wondering if I'm wasting my time doing what I'm doing, and if I can be of better use in a place or realm that I have yet to discover...

Wondering if there's a brand new world out there waiting for me...

Wondering why the heck am I thinking that I am the center and reason for existence of this universe, when I know I'm not...

Hay, you get the point. I don't mean to be emo or anything like that. These are my real thoughts, anyway.

I'm still wondering now.

The breeze here now is getting warm. The food selection in the cafeteria is starting to dwindle. And I don't feel any better, yet the world dictates that I suck it all up and tread the course. I'm doing it, but only half-heartedly. But I'm doing it. That should count for something.

--- --- ---

We've got a tree blooming these light pink flowers in the quadrangle. I sneaked out for a while to take pictures, while admiring how pretty the flowers were.

During my shutterbug moment, a small, soft voice in my head said "Look at the flowers. They do not labor, and yet they are beautiful..." And even nothing came after, I instantly knew what this meant.

It's funny (and rather creative, if I may add) that I am reminded of these things in such an unlikely moment. But I felt very thankful that God cares for me immensely more than a beautiful flowering tree.

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