Thursday 19 July 2012

Breaking the kuripot rule and midterms, among other things


Just like that, we're halfway through the year! Midterms are officially done (I think my grades aren't too bad), and the job's keeping me busy. My job is evolving into a creature (LOL) that I never expected it to become, and I'm just taking everything in stride. Yup. Striding is key.

And now, on to a QUALITY POST.

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NEW GLASSES. The last time I bought a pair was six years ago, and I wouldn't have changed it if weren't for the screws becoming loose just days after I have it fixed. So, ayan! I bought these last Sunday and got it with my grade an hour and a half after. Somehow, I've always preferred glasses over contacts because they have more appearance-changing powers (LOL, that was a weird way of putting it). Tsaka I'm not really into changing my eye color anyway. =/

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I am really excited for Cinemalaya! Haven't read the summaries of the movies this year, but I'm happy that I'll probably get to catch a few of the movies with some friends. =) Cinemalaya is probably the only time I get to watch homegrown stuff. And...le sigh, I can go on with this topic forever, but I think it's going to be this way for a while. 

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I am NOT DONE with Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. /ashamed It's taking longer than expected due to the immense amount of spy jargon. I honestly have to stop and try to remember my trail of thought whilst reading the book whenever I encounter something unfamiliar. 

This book should have started with a glossary, in my opinion. XD

Speaking of books, let me just detail what's in the pipeline:

  1. Spirit-Controlled Temperament, by Tim LaHaye. More of a required reading, but will also consider it for leisure =D
  2. Bram Stoker's Dracula. Catching up on my classics, especially on the vampiric. I've honestly stayed away from that part of the bookstore ever since the Twilight movies came out, but a classic is a classic. I'll probably also re-read The Vampire Lestat, and get a copy of The Tale of the Body Thief (my UBER-FAVORITE among The Vampire Chronicles). Have I ever fangirled in this blog of how much I LOVE The Vampire Chronicles? Okay. Now you know. =D TVC is the standard for me for vampire stories, in spite of its...errr...decline (read: Blood Canticle. What.)
  3. The Life of Pi, by Yann Martel. I thought this would be an interesting read for the future book club. (I REALLY WANNA PUT UP ONE, MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THAT)  And in relation to #2, I wish I can insert some TVC books in that book club (libre mangarap!) 
  4. Lady of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Bought this book for a whopping FIFTY PESOS, and it's in near-mint condition (near-mint because it's been on their shelf since 2007 and for some reason, no one really cared to buy it. NO ONE CARED FOR A MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY BOOK. Unbelievable.)
  5. (lest I forget) Elements of Style, by Strunk and White. Nothing screams REQUIRED READING more than this book. Yes and Amen.
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Epic: when someone you looked up to when you were a kid tells someone that they should get more people who are like yourself. Did that make sense? 

June 20 marked the proudest moment of my career so far. Like, seriously. I shed a tear. 

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There's stuff I want to write seriously write about. There are stories in my head that are begging to be written on the page, but there's just no time. Basta. Abangan niyo na lang. A time for everything; a season for every activity. 

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